
Terms & Conditions


  • Full fees is to be paid in the form of demand draft/cheque payment in favor of “Kesari Tours Pvt. Ltd”. Payment will be accepted at
    Head Office of Kesari Tours Pvt. Ltd, Mahim.
  • Fees once paid is not subject to refund in any case. The commencement date of the course and the course duration of 10 months as intimated, is subject to change at discretion of Kesari tours Pvt. Ltd.


  • Every student of the academic is issued an Identity Card which he/she is expected to carry with him/her at all times. Students shall collect their identity card at the beginning of new academic session and expected to carry it all times and produce the same to academic authorities whenever demanded.


  • If the full fee is not paid within prescribed time.
  • If the supporting documents are not complete.
  • If false documents have been submitted.
  • If required educational qualifications are not fulfilled.
  • If the minimum age criteria is not fulfilled.
  • If incorrect or wrong information is given.
  • Misconduct or Misbehavior with faculty or classmates.
  • If at any point of time it is found that candidate is not fit for admission due to misconduct, indiscipline or immoral conduct.


  • A student should secure a minimum of 75% attendance of the total number of classes held during the semester, failing which he/she will be debarred from appearing in the examinations.
  • If a student is continuously absent for a period of one week or more without permission, his/her parents will be informed accordingly.
  • If a student is late by 15mins in session he/she will be deemed to be absent for that session.
  • Application for leave of absence due to sickness/hospitalization must be supported by a medical leave and fitness certificate from a recognized medical practitioner, and he/she should submit the same to the Academic head on the date of re-joining of KTA classes.


Shirt• White full sleeve collared shirt (Buttons should be white)• Same
Trouser• Black trouser• Same
Belt• Black Belt (formal)• Same
Shoes• Black Shoes (highly polished)• Same


Hair• Tie the hair pulled back from the face & hair holding device should be plain and natural colored• Hairs Should not fall on forehead, collar or ears    & styled properly.
• Beards or mustaches -Should be clean &
Nails• Cut in curvature manicured, use light color nail paints Neatly trimmed & cut in curvature
Trouser• Should not have folds around the ankle & length should fall gently on  top of the shoe• Same
Socks• Black color & long enough to cover the skin   while sitting• Same
Accessories• Earrings : Wear stubs & small rings
• Rings should be simple and not chunky & chain should be thin with   small lockets
• You may wear either a bracelet or a bangle or avoid both
• No Accessories


  • All the students are expected to be formally and decently dressed while in the Kesari travel academy and should be punctual, regular in  attending classes and disciplined throughout their study in Kesari travel academy.
  • Students are responsible for their conduct and are prohibited from doing anything either inside or outside the Kesari premises  that will  amount to a breach of discipline or interference in the discipline and normal working of the premises. A student shall be liable to disciplinary action for violation of any of the rules of discipline. Disciplinary action may involve warning and/or suspension from classes,  from the examination.
  • Students shall conduct themselves in a polite manner, both towards the members of the staff (teaching and administrative) and towards   their fellow students. Students  insubordination, unbecoming language or ungentlemanly conduct including teasing etc., shall be severely  dealt with.
  • Students shall maintain perfect silence in classrooms and desist from demonstration of disorderly behaviour. They must not loiter in the   corridors or in front of class rooms or office rooms and must keep as quiet as possible at all times. During their free periods, student should work quietly in the classroom or library or spend the time without causing any disturbance. Smoking, drinking, indulging in any illicit or illegal activity in the Academic hall, classroom, reading room and Kesari premises is strictly prohibited.
  • Students shall take proper care of the Kesari travel academy property, furniture and premises and they must not spoil or cause any damage  to or tamper with the property, furniture and fittings.They shall not violate the lawns.
  • Students shall leave their bicycles, scooters or motorcycles in the shed provided for this purpose. No bicycles, scooters or motorcycles    shall be parked in any other part of the kesari premises.
  • No society can be formed in the KTA without the permission of the Academy head nor shall any person be invited to address a meeting in  the Academy without the prior permission of the Academy head.
  • Students are expected to adhere to Kesari Travel Academy’s policies and procedures at all times. The Academy reserves the right to        suspend or expel students for serious breaches of The Academy’s policies and procedures. No refund will be made in such cases.
  • It is to be noted that Kesari Tours shall have all the rights to cancel the issuance of certificates to any students enrolled with the institution if it deems fit to do so in any case whatsover. The same shall also apply to the students who are interning with the institution. Kesari Tours reserves all the rights to not issue a certificate to a student.
***PLEASE NOTE: Internship will be provided to students, who are abide by all the above rules. However, the same will be at the sole discretion of Kesari Tours.***



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